Monday, October 15, 2012

Dell Printer Queue shows offline

Dell Printer Queue shows offline, printer may have worked previously but out of the blue is "offline" on the print server.  The printer will show offline in print queue but printer display shows Ready, and you can print via IP and everything else looks normal.  The fix is:

DISABLED SNMP Status Enabled under Port Settings on the print queue, on the print server.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

NetApp Perfstat tool Usage

NetApp Perfstat tool Usage

Perfstat is a NetApp tool that you can monitor and reveal your NetApp Storage devices . You can download it from NetApp web site.

Usage of perfstat is;

perfstat -f IPAddressofNetAPP -t 10 -i 12 > perfstat.out

10 : Get statistics for every 10 minutes;
12 : Number of sample
perfstat.out : Name of the file that log will be saved into.